Wednesday 25 March 2009

bla bla bla...

ish3..nape la cetu eh..npe ceni..npe tuuuutt..npe la die tu pot pet pot pet..laa..ade ke ptot..hmm..iye ke..oye? tuuutt die pn tuuutt tp die toooottt npe la cetu eh..ape silap pn xtau..mgkin tuuutt kot..atau teeett kot..kite tgk jela eh...tett mse da abis..=p

Friday 13 March 2009

Hati-hati Lirik Lagu Agnes Monica..

Lirik lagu ni aku dpt dr officemate aku, k.emy..die send email btau lirik agnes mengelirukn..aku tgk btol2, mmg mngelirukn..dr ape yg aku bce slame ni agnes ni b'agama die gne Allah dlm lirik lagu die..mcm nk kelirukn umat islam sbb org kristian x sbut Allah sbg Tuhan diorg..diorg aggap Nabi Isa a.s. atau Yesus sbg Tuhan hati2 la sume jgn smpai tperdaya..kt cni aku postkn skali lirik lagu tu..

Allah Peduli by Agnes Monica

Banyak perkara yang tak dapat ku mengerti
Mengapakah harus terjadi
Di dalam kehidupan ini
Suatu perkara yang
ku simpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Allah perduli

Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sbab Allah mengerti

Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sebab Allah Yesus ku mengerti


Hurm..AF da mule balik..rse nye dmam AF akn mlanda balik la nmpknye..walopon x shebat dlu tp kalo yg ade astro tu rse2 akn tgk kitorg tgk student2 AF kali ni hebat2..suara bes2..mgkin sengit AF kali ni..slaluny org akn ade fav person bile tgk rncgn realiti tv ceni..x bnyk pn mesti kite akn ade person yg kite suke & x tiap2 kali AF msti x miss tp start aku active chat, blogging..sume tu da x sgt da..lyn still lyn tp da x cm dlu la..ape pn tgk jela..komen skit2 suda..=P sape yg menang? haaa..tu yg kite xtau..ehehe..=P

Thursday 12 March 2009

Hanya Aku...

banyak yang tak terjawab..
banyak yang nak disoal..
tapi takut soalan disalah erti..
hanya akan mengundang kemarahan..

aku terlalu mengharap..
tak mahu melukakan, dilukakan..
apa yang aku inginkan..
hanya sedikit perhatian..

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Td die da selamat register..alhamdulillah..lega rsenye..hrp2 die dpt sesuaikn diri dgn keadaan..dpt ikot rules yg kolej bg..n hopefully die bnyk2 saba dgn khdupn d cmpus..he will gain more experience..built self decipline..i really hope he can make it to the end..

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Miss You..

Whenever we are apart,
I start to miss you,
The minute you away from me,
I start to think of you,
I cannot wait for the moment..
when we will be together again,
I have missed you more than you can imagine..

How do you prove the sky is blue the ocean is wide
All I know is how I feel when I look into your eyes
Don't ever doubt your trust in me
I will always be there with you everywhere
I'll give you my heart and deeply in my soul
I wish never to see us apart

Sunday 8 March 2009


2,3 mggu ni rse cm serabut otak..hati x tentu..rse cm my mind dok kt lua pale..keje cm nk duit kne crik even nk xnk pon still kne keje gak..jiwa kaco..rse cm nk jerit jek..kalo dpt karok ni sure besh..aku leh jerit kuat2..skrg pn tgh psng headphone..vol ksik pcah tinge..rse cm besh skit..kdg2 leh lega kn x syiok skrg xle nk jerit..kalo sorg2 ni sure da melalak da pn tgh2 pg ni..kul 2.15 a.m..aku tggu msg die..dr kul 12 lbih td hny 1 je inbox aku..aku tgh dnga lgu shania twain - you're still the one, one of my fav song..mngingatkn aku dgn hub kitorg skrg..bnyk dugaan, aku tau kdg2 kami berdua cm da x mampu nk smgt yg kuat msih lg ade dlm hati kami..dn aku hrp kitorg bole jdikn lgu tu sbg pndorong hub ni..

You're Still The One by Shania Twain

Youre Still The One - Shania Twain
(When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after
all this time, you're still the one I love.)
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Friday 6 March 2009


Hari khamis aritu aku demam..x g keje..ecely slase mlm tu aku rse cm nk demam da..bdn x aku g jgk keje rabu tu..igt ok la smpai2 je office sjuk komain ag..mmg aku bgkus dgn pashmina aku tu..lme skit aku da rse cm gigil2 da..rse sjuk smpai tulang..g toilet kne air..adui sjuk aku wat kje OK2 KO je la..lunch time andrew banje mkn satu office sbb tnda trima ksih..demam2 pn aku mkn gak la kn..sape la yg nk tolak rezki kn..pizzahut lak tu..hehe..3 kping gak la aku mkn..rse sume2 demam mmg x reda2 lg..aku email k.emy ckp bdn x bes..die suh amik mc..mle2 aku pk spe nk anta k.emy ckp..nt kalo blik kul 5.30 pn xde org pick up bile aku pk2 balik..baik aku balik least xde la sesak2 dgn org blik kul 4 aku blik..odw blik tu ujn gak la..dgn demam2 reda ujan..adei..

ckp psl balik..rabu aku balik train delay..ampg park nye station lrt blackout..kt bwh trowong tmpt tggu train pns sgt..aircond x function..aku naik ats balik..rmai yg g refund balik tket tu..aku pn same gak..tggu kt bwh x bernafas..train lalu pn xle aku amik kputusn naik ats..pnt gak la tggu..rmai gile tggu kt ats..sume tmpt yg bole dduk pnuh..sejap aku diri..aku msg ayh tny kul bpe balik..ayh ckp lmbt ade bdmintn..sblum tu da msg mama tp aku tggu jela kn..smpai kul 8 lbih..bru ok..eskelator pn da leh function..aku trn..n balik..