Monday 30 May 2011

Beer Halal???

apa la yang diorg fikir sebenarnya bila adanya Beer Halal ni eh? kerajaan melaysia ni aku tak tau la diorg klasifikasikan non-alcohol tu macam mana tapi bila aku search aku dapat ni..

Low-alcohol beer (also, non-alcoholic beer, small beer, or small ale or near-beer) is beer with very low or no alcohol content. The vast majority of low alcohol beers are lagers, but there are to a lesser extent some ales.

In the United States, beverages containing up to 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) can be legally called non-alcoholic according to the Volstead Act.

maksudnya kalau ada alkohol kurang dari 0.5% kira non-alcohol..habis tu, kalau dalam makanan kau ada taik cicak 0.5% kira boleh telan la? tapi itu bukan dlam negara kita..kalau dalam negara kita korg boleh baca kat sini

A non-alcoholic beverage is a beverage that contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume.[1] Non-alcoholic versions of somealcoholic beverages, such as non-alcoholic beer ("near beer") and cocktails ("mocktails"), are widely available where alcoholic beverages are sold.Sodas, juices, and sparkling cider contain no alcohol, but non-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic wine undergo an alcohol-removal process that may leave a small amount of alcohol. Because of this, some states have legal restrictions on non-alcoholic beer and wine

yang pastinya, dan yang aku tau, tak kira lah berapa banyak / berapa % kandungan beer yang ada..asal ada je haram la tak payah la berangan/teringin nak minum beer..buat lari akidah je..


  1. hehehe rootbeer leh minum jee..hahaha

  2. dunia ni kadang-kadang pelik.pemilik-pemilik hotel mat salleh kat malaysia semuanya bg kerjasama kat kita utk mencuba mematuhi syarat halal kerana mereka percaya kalau mereka follow peraturan,business senang maju sbb mereka sedar rakyat malaysia nak halal.tapi org arab pula sibuk2 mendesak kita nak jual beer halal ni. =.="

  3. Ayie:
    itu xde alkohol ler..
    haishh..nk kne debik budak nih..

    hana sudradjat:
    btl tu, kepale otak diorg tu pk nk untung je..
    bodo kan? blaja tinggi tp pk bkn pkai akal, pkai mata..
