Friday 14 August 2009

email yang menyentuh hati

aku send email kat salah sorg rakan chat aku..aku kenal die mase hot chatting msn dulu..lepas tu die suke send email yang pelik2..kadang2 OK kadang2 KO plak..aku tak suke dapat email yang tah aku remind kat die yang aku appreciate sangat die suke share email tapi aku suruh die bace dan select dulu mane2 email yang ok..i mean dont just simply send it..and below is what he did reply me..

RE: Hi huda how r u. i m little confuse u are added in...‏
From: mirza baig (
ent: Thursday, 13 Aug, 2009 11: 52 AM

salam-o-aleykum how r u huda i hope u will be fine ..i m sorry to hear that u have some problem in your life ..i will prey to god for you and insha'allah god will bless you...Let me tell u one thing matter what problem u have don't be dishearten..always say thanks god ..u give us every thing..thanks god u make us complete human being..think about those people who can not hear anything,who can not see anything, who can not talk,who can not walk, and think about those people who even don't have a full meal a day..always say thank to ALLAH for everything..thanks again to remind me i will be more careful when i will send u a email..if any of my email hart your feeling i am very sorry for that..send me a email time to time even thou few words that will be great to be in touch..once again i m sorry about my email..

mirza baig

wah. sangat tersentuh. aku bgtau yang aku ade masalah..tak sangka plak die bagi nasihat macam tu..*terharu* insaf kejap.

bagi mengakhiri entry kali ni, hayatilah pantun bebas 4 kerat dibawah..oleh pacik hisham

berat mata memandang
berat lagi bahu memikul
kera kat chow kit disusukan
diri sendiri mati tak makan


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