Thursday 29 October 2009

Love You in Silent

you came into my life
quietly, simply, tenderly...
the world stood still
I could not say a word
nor a single gestured showed.

the feeling kept in my heart
so I've loved you in silence
worshiped you from a distance
and dream of you so often.

I want to say I love you,
but I'm afraid...
afraid that you'll just take it for granted.
in silence then, I'll just love you.
in silence I'll find...
the fulfillment of my dreams.
By Honey Cai 


  1. tgk nota pantas tgk entry nie tgk nota pantas tgk entry pendam perasaan je bunyinye....

  2. oo.. cinta dalam hati la ni..

  3. Zura:
    memang..memang perasan Zura..
    terbaik =P~

    Farihah Ahmad:
    camno tuh..camtu la gayo eh..

    cinte dalam hati..
    hati ini telah dilukai..
    eh salah2..tu lagu krisdayanti..
    dalam hati ade cinte~
    u manyak pandai la abg manis~

  4. bende yg slalu i buat... =(

  5. .ib.:
    kita serupaaa~
    heh..nak wat cane..
    ape bole buat..naseb bdn..
    dtakdirkn in silence je..
    nk kate kekaseh gelap..
    xde la gelap sgt..

    p/s : thinking of u~
