Friday 9 October 2009

Tag 4 [oleh cik orenlili]

huh..ayie lagi cepat langsaikan hutang tag cik orenlili dr aku..takle jadik nih..
mari kito..sonang yo..lobeh kurang macam Tag 1 *sile tekan kalo nak review, kalo nak amik pon bule jek*

okeh2..syarat2 nye adelah..harus menggunakan google image search engine untuk carik jawapan kat bawah..selamat bejaya diriku..ewahh

1. The age of your next birthday

2. Place I like to travel the most

3. My favourite food

4. Nick name that I have

5. My favourite colour

6. The city I live now

7. The place I was born

8. My college major

9. My bad habbits

10. My hobby



11. My wish

12. Tag 12 people

aku nak tag sume! amik ko! =P


  1. EEIII!!! kak!! suke kurek idddoooonnnggg!!! hahahahaha...haa..sapu kat soooofffaaaa!!! takkkuuuttt!!! eeiiii!!! kat langsir pun ade!!!!

  2. ahahaha..
    i kurek idung x men selit2 la..
    i men jentik2 jekk..
    macam men tutup botol tuh...mueheheheh
    *yuks pngoto rupenye aku nih*

  3. AAHHHH!! lariii!! ujan teik idonggg!!! takuuuuuttttt!!! hahaahahahaha

  4. hepp3...
    sediakan payung sebelum hujan eh..=P

  5. ekeke sweet.ants..
    itu tgk tmpt..
    line clear bru leh wat projek..
